Saturday, March 8, 2014

Creativity in Every Classroom: Why Arts Education is Important

The Los Angeles County gets it. They understand why arts education is important. Based on the wealth of information gathered by the California For Arts Alliance Organization, there seems to exist a wonderful partnership between research, resources and getting the information to policy makers and executing implementation. The good news is that policy was created at state level.

RRAA sponsoring an After School SAFE art program

"Research is a powerful advocacy tool. Numerous published reports demonstrate that student involvement in the arts is linked to higher academic performance, increased standardized test scores, greater involvement in community service and lower dropout rates. This section of our website contains facts sheets, links to the latest research as well as guides to support your efforts to evaluate, plan and advocate for arts education in your district. opportunities and threats in our field. Below we have listed some featured research reports. " (from the California Alliance for Arts Education)

Why Arts Education is Important

Arts education is crucial to developing skills needed in the 21st century workforce. The latest Otis Creative Economy report indicates that the creative industries are the second largest business sector in the Los Angeles region, generating nearly 1 million jobs. Students are currently not being adequately prepared to step into these jobs in large part because of the lack of arts education in the K-12 public school curriculum, which should be of grave concern to anyone interested in a thriving economy. READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE

"Looking at the immediate academic success of our students, Dr. Shirley Brice Heath at Stanford University discovered that young people who participate in the arts for at least three hours on three days each week through at least one full year are:

4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement,
4 times more likely to participate in a math and science fair,
3 times more likely to win an award for school attendance, and
4 times more likely to win an award for writing an essay or poem."